Monday, March 16, 2015

December 24 2014

We are coming along so well! I have not updated because our videos take to much to load. We had a great ride today. N was busy so we got a lesson from Andrew! We decided to go straight to the arena ( a. first!). Due to a little rain the round pen was gross and we decided to skip bitting him up. The arena was ok and we set the poles in an X on the diagonals. We 'concurred' a scary white tarp on the ground. I clambered up and we walked and trotted. There were two 'scary' tree stumps at the far end of the arena. This was our first spooky situation and I pushed him forward and past and through them. I am so proud for working through it. Andrew instructed us to do a posting trot three times around in each direction. This was really good for us to warm up and to realize our lack of conditioning. We did ok, I felt my posting was uneven at times, but I hope more conditioning will help. I wanted to show Andrew that we had been working on canter from the walk. Duke offered a canter from the halt. I was intrigued to see if he could do it again. He did! In both directions! He did better from the halt then the walk.. We all went on a short walk after our lesson. Duke was good but a bit twitchy with the falling branches. I went to open the small gate for Andrew and us but Duke rushed it. We went back through once more. The second time, Duke was more willing to listen to me and went a lot more politely. We ended there and I am so happy with him!