Sunday, August 31, 2014

5th lesson in the rain!

Today was my fifth lesson. I brought my bridle, stirrups with leathers and a few bits. I brought the stirrups to try on her leather dressage saddle. I really wanted to like this saddle. It is an 18" Stubben dressage saddle. I tried it out, with my stirrups but it was just too big. In the trot I kept hitting the front of the saddle when I was posting. I could not find a place for my leg. When it felt comfortable my leg was off the padding and near the middle of the flap. I did all our warm up in it but even Andrew pulled me aside to switch saddles as he could tell it was not going to work out.

When we arrived at the ranch it started drizzling and soon became a good little downpour at times. I was riding with E in this lesson, my first simi-private. We both had our horses tacked and ready to go when the rain started coming down hard. N almost canceled the lesson but I said since we were ready we might as well walk around and stretch. By the end of the lesson the rain had stopped.

I was happy to see that Duke was not to interested in his pony friend. He did want to catch up if we got directly behind the pony but he did paid good attention to me as well. N also mentioned Duke is more forward when the weather is fresher.

After the saddle switch I joined E in the arena to practice dressage tests. E and I both have memorized USDF Intro test A so we began with that.

I was to follow E in the dressage test but it did not work out well. E walked in then halted rather than trot in to halt. N does not like test A and said it was boring to walk so much. I tried to follow E but pony strides vs Duke strides were hard to level out.

This is the first lesson were I felt the slightest bit annoyed. We switched to test B which I do not know. When E went off course so did I as I had no idea the movements for test B nor were they explained.

We ended well enough. Our trot is slightly more consistent, our bending needs a lot of work. I do not expect that to improve anytime soon as I am only riding once a week and Duke is ridden twice a week. Our transitions are much better I think. At least they feel better and the accuracy seems to be improving as well. I am hoping to start helping N out around the ranch in exchange for more lessons. I also hope to spend time and work with Duke more while I am there as well. I would like to get him going in some long lines and over poles to work on getting him stronger so he does not sit on his forehand so much. Hopefully I will be able to start all that soon, I am just waiting for the Jeep to be fixed. Soon though, soon.



Wednesday, August 27, 2014

Riding Lesson #2 7.26.2014

I had my second riding lesson with N today. Last week was cancelled due to rain storms. She asked me to come a little later than last time, this time I was supposed to show up between 2-3pm. There was still a bunch of kids there but they were having fun sitting on their ponies and brushing and braiding them. I rode in my paddock boots and half chaps for this lesson rather than my tall boots. I think this was the third or fourth time riding in the paddocks, they did feel like they were starting to rub by the end of the lesson, but they rode well. We started out with me bareback on a fat little pony. I was very happy N and I both seem to be on the same page, using bareback to find my centered balance, stretch, and opening my hips. Lakota was a very sweet and tolerant pony. The very first thing N had me do was mount properly. She wants my hip bones just about even with the top of the back. I am to jump up on to the poor critter then swing my leg high and clear over the poor critter and come to a pleasant seat with legs on either side. I spent ages trying to figure out the logistics until N made me hang over the pony with my hips in the center of Lakota and my legs and arms stretched out on either side of her. I did feel like I was slipping a bit, I blamed my breeches. I don't know if I was or if the pants were, indeed slipping, but I realize I need to relax a lot more. I mounted the pony semi successfully, It was not pretty but I did not hit her with my leg. When reviewing the video I took with the GoPro my 'jumping' to get on the pony are pathetic. I was worried about squishing Lakota by throwing my weight around. N thinks I am worried about tumbling off the other side of her, after hanging on her I am not sure it wasn't both. I never did get on her from the bottom step of the mounting block. I spent almost as much time analyzing and asking about the dismount, but when I went ahead and did it N was very happy.

After that we worked on my leg and seat position. She wants my feet flat when riding bareback, which feels comfy and natural but odd after having ingrained in myself to always keep my heels down. N was happier with the placement of my lower leg and I was able to open up my hips some and follow the horse's movement. We walked and did a little trotting (a sad slow barely a trot type of trot) . I was able to keep my contact with the bit properly, although it still seems loose to what I am used to, but she does not want me to ride off the mouth and I do not want to hang on or hit anyone in the mouth either. It is a bit confusing as to the aids she uses; bumbling with each step is lateral and squeezing is speed. It sounds easy but is different than how I am used to it. When I got my hips and hands proper I had a hard time with my lower leg. When I used my lower leg I did ok some of the time but then I felt like my knees were flying in the wind. I did not ask about the knees as I thought once I get my hips in order then I can move on to the next body part.

Once Lakota and I were done I got to hop on Duke. He really is a good boy. He had already been ridden and was standing in the corner, not tied but just dozing. We got along much better than the first time.


Monday, August 25, 2014

Riding Lesson #4 8.20.2014

Today was my fourth riding lesson. Due to Hurricane Isselle there was some damage at the ranch so lessons were cancelled until last Saturday. Most of the kids were going to show up so I decided to wait when we could have a quiet lesson. Also Andrew got to go with me! When we were going up the driveway N was driving out to run a quick errand. She gave me a piece of twine and told me my horse was just down the road, go ahead and catch him and get him ready. This was interesting to learn more about Mr. Duke's personality and attitude. He came with me very well, a couple of times slowing down to see if I really was sure he had to leave the herd and pasture. We did pass by one particular leaf that he just could not pass up. Goof ball. He was good standing and waiting at the gate for me to find a halter that looked like it might fit him. Most all his pasture mates are ponies or small, fine headed horses whereas Duke has a good sized head. From there I took him to the hitching post where we groom and tack up. He looked around a little but did not get antsy or call out. We groomed him, he was very dirty and sweating ( N says he has a tendency to sweat very easily). I could not decide if I wanted to continue bareback or if I wanted to go with a saddle. I decided that I would use a saddle since this would be the first time riding him by himself and I wanted something in case he got a little quick. Since N was not back yet I found a dressage saddle that looked like it would fit me okay. I have never ridden in a dressage saddle so I was pretty excited to see how it felt. I also wanted to continue the theme of lengthening my leg. We cleaned the round pen while waiting for N to come back and Duke stood quietly in the shade. A pony in a small pasture behind the tack tent started running around, snorting and hopping, Duke watched her but did nothing on his own. What a good boy!

After N got back I mentioned Duke seemed a bit more up than normal (barely, but it made me feel better to see him move for a moment). She had me loop his reins under the stirrups and round pen him. She had some corrections for me (everyone does it differently ). She wants me to stay with my chest pointed at the hind end to encourage forward movement, not harass with the whip by keeping it pointed towards him, point down and back when he does as asked.. Also, I should not walk around 'following' him but stay in my hula hoop. Only leave my hula hoop if he decreases energy without being asked. I did a little and watched her demonstrate what she wanted me to do. Duke did buck, a draft horse buck that almost got his hind end off the ground. Besides that one measly kick out.

I captured my wild beast and proceeded to mount. It was horrible. I have been visualizing mounting and I really thought I could do it, but I still fell on my stomach and wiggled in to the saddle. It was and is quite embarrassing. I think it has more to due with my core than my arms, but probably both. We adjusted my stirrups to almost dressage length and I went about my stretches and dropping and picking up my irons. We walked, we trot, and we actually cantered too! I was a touch nervous about the idea of cantering. Before we did, I asked about Duke's typical gait change. I have seen him canter under saddle and just then while round penning. He tends to fall onto his forehand, which looks like a potential buck, but it is not, it is draft horse build, weakness, and lack of finishing. I felt as prepared as I could when N agreed with me on all points. Our first canter change went really well. He did rush, but we did well. I only got a touch nervous when it felt like he wanted to buck and seemed to speed up and fall on his forehand. I did kind of haul on his face in hopes of rebalancing/slowing down/not bucking. I was repeatedly told to let go of his face and stop over steering him. We did get a couple of okay laps in, especially since it was my first time cantering in almost three years.

After all that we went to the 'big ring' for my first time. We worked on 20 meter circles in the center of the ring, going down center line, halting straight, and diagonals. Duke was a bit disappointed we were not done and he did get stronger as the lesson went. We did okay on our circles. I could visualize them, but getting my horse there was difficult. He wanted to rush everything. I think he thought if he went faster we would be done sooner. We got some work in, i was happy to feel like I was actually riding again and this was my first time schooling anything dressage. We tend to argue about where/ what direction we stop. When this happens I just make sure he does not get to go the way he wants. We did get a beautiful side pass out of this. I also learned he stops straight but likes to move his left rear out to the side.

All in all we hade a great lesson and we were at the ranch for four hours! So glad Andrew was there to drive and film! 10:36:55 PM

Cuteness of the night was a baby goat rearing up and head butting Andrew in the knee!!!!


Sunday, August 24, 2014

Riding Lesson #3 8.2.2014

My third riding lesson, and second bareback with Duke. I love bareback! I don't feel held in and I do not worry so much about position/weight/balance/center etc etc etc..... I did make a big deal about mounting. I think ( and still think) I am way over thinking it. But, alas, here is the pathetic proof...






I was able to walk and trot very well as well as hold my feet in the correct position for most of the time. Whenever I felt unbalanced I did flex my ankles and tighten my leg a bit.


I don't know where the chicken wings came from.



Saturday, August 23, 2014

Riding lesson #1 7.12.2014

Today was my first riding lesson since the crappy ones with A C on Pearl. I believe he spent most his time on the phone or criticizing my horse. My Andrew spent weeks trying to find recommendations for an instructor that taught English, would accept an adult rider and was affordable. We found N through word of mouth and also a recommendation from Hawaii Isle Dressage and Eventing Association. I set up a lesson with her for Saturday, as it is summer all her young riders like to come out to the ranch and spend the day there. I got there just after noon and got to watch three girls get a short lesson. The horse I would be riding was used during this lesion and he was well behaved and really just wanted to stand still, my kinda horse for the moment! Duke was a good boy for me. He looks almost like a miniature Belgian. I mounted up and we fussed with my stirrups quite a bit, then she had me work on stretching my arms, legs, ankles, shoulders and everything else. We did some two-point (hold until it burns, sit, stretch, then repeat), and the same process with the posting trot. She focuses on riding your horse through the seat bones and legs and leaving the mouth alone. I gathered from her examples and explanations that she is a student of Centered Riding by Sally Smith. Thankfully I have read that book, but not in a long time and I don't know if I still have it.


Things we worked on:

- point toes forward, like a dressage rider, not at the 45*plus I have mine at

- don't grip with my ankle, just my calf, my ankle is for instructions only

- open chest to put shoulders back ( she was concerned about all the tension in my shoulders and suggested body work)

- keep legs forward more, near the girth

- don't rotate my wrists (right wrist wanted to rotate in and it caused my shoulder to close and come forward)

At home she wants me to work on:

- use an exercise ball especially for my thighs

- develop an independent seat

+ sit on a stool and work on being able to move arms and legs independently while remaining balanced on your seat bones

Things I was happy about:

- I did not feel nearly as nervous or scared as I have in the past. I did shake the whole time, and worse when I got off, but I did not mentally feel scared. This could also be part of the reason for the shoulder tension, we will see if it decreases the more I ride.

- I survived and felt more secure than I thought I would. I expected to be flopping around all over the place, and maybe I was, but when Duke tripped or got heavy I felt comfortable enough to help balance us.

Overall I am really happy with how it went. I got on and off with a good positive attitude and I think Nonie will be a great teacher.

* Side note: I had hurt my back ( pulled muscle maybe, or cracked rib, I really don't know but it hurt really bad the whole time. I did my best to work through it, especially since I don't want to be 'that person' who can't do anything because of pain or injuries. 10:17:00 AM