Monday, August 25, 2014

Riding Lesson #4 8.20.2014

Today was my fourth riding lesson. Due to Hurricane Isselle there was some damage at the ranch so lessons were cancelled until last Saturday. Most of the kids were going to show up so I decided to wait when we could have a quiet lesson. Also Andrew got to go with me! When we were going up the driveway N was driving out to run a quick errand. She gave me a piece of twine and told me my horse was just down the road, go ahead and catch him and get him ready. This was interesting to learn more about Mr. Duke's personality and attitude. He came with me very well, a couple of times slowing down to see if I really was sure he had to leave the herd and pasture. We did pass by one particular leaf that he just could not pass up. Goof ball. He was good standing and waiting at the gate for me to find a halter that looked like it might fit him. Most all his pasture mates are ponies or small, fine headed horses whereas Duke has a good sized head. From there I took him to the hitching post where we groom and tack up. He looked around a little but did not get antsy or call out. We groomed him, he was very dirty and sweating ( N says he has a tendency to sweat very easily). I could not decide if I wanted to continue bareback or if I wanted to go with a saddle. I decided that I would use a saddle since this would be the first time riding him by himself and I wanted something in case he got a little quick. Since N was not back yet I found a dressage saddle that looked like it would fit me okay. I have never ridden in a dressage saddle so I was pretty excited to see how it felt. I also wanted to continue the theme of lengthening my leg. We cleaned the round pen while waiting for N to come back and Duke stood quietly in the shade. A pony in a small pasture behind the tack tent started running around, snorting and hopping, Duke watched her but did nothing on his own. What a good boy!

After N got back I mentioned Duke seemed a bit more up than normal (barely, but it made me feel better to see him move for a moment). She had me loop his reins under the stirrups and round pen him. She had some corrections for me (everyone does it differently ). She wants me to stay with my chest pointed at the hind end to encourage forward movement, not harass with the whip by keeping it pointed towards him, point down and back when he does as asked.. Also, I should not walk around 'following' him but stay in my hula hoop. Only leave my hula hoop if he decreases energy without being asked. I did a little and watched her demonstrate what she wanted me to do. Duke did buck, a draft horse buck that almost got his hind end off the ground. Besides that one measly kick out.

I captured my wild beast and proceeded to mount. It was horrible. I have been visualizing mounting and I really thought I could do it, but I still fell on my stomach and wiggled in to the saddle. It was and is quite embarrassing. I think it has more to due with my core than my arms, but probably both. We adjusted my stirrups to almost dressage length and I went about my stretches and dropping and picking up my irons. We walked, we trot, and we actually cantered too! I was a touch nervous about the idea of cantering. Before we did, I asked about Duke's typical gait change. I have seen him canter under saddle and just then while round penning. He tends to fall onto his forehand, which looks like a potential buck, but it is not, it is draft horse build, weakness, and lack of finishing. I felt as prepared as I could when N agreed with me on all points. Our first canter change went really well. He did rush, but we did well. I only got a touch nervous when it felt like he wanted to buck and seemed to speed up and fall on his forehand. I did kind of haul on his face in hopes of rebalancing/slowing down/not bucking. I was repeatedly told to let go of his face and stop over steering him. We did get a couple of okay laps in, especially since it was my first time cantering in almost three years.

After all that we went to the 'big ring' for my first time. We worked on 20 meter circles in the center of the ring, going down center line, halting straight, and diagonals. Duke was a bit disappointed we were not done and he did get stronger as the lesson went. We did okay on our circles. I could visualize them, but getting my horse there was difficult. He wanted to rush everything. I think he thought if he went faster we would be done sooner. We got some work in, i was happy to feel like I was actually riding again and this was my first time schooling anything dressage. We tend to argue about where/ what direction we stop. When this happens I just make sure he does not get to go the way he wants. We did get a beautiful side pass out of this. I also learned he stops straight but likes to move his left rear out to the side.

All in all we hade a great lesson and we were at the ranch for four hours! So glad Andrew was there to drive and film! 10:36:55 PM

Cuteness of the night was a baby goat rearing up and head butting Andrew in the knee!!!!


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