Wednesday, August 27, 2014

Riding Lesson #2 7.26.2014

I had my second riding lesson with N today. Last week was cancelled due to rain storms. She asked me to come a little later than last time, this time I was supposed to show up between 2-3pm. There was still a bunch of kids there but they were having fun sitting on their ponies and brushing and braiding them. I rode in my paddock boots and half chaps for this lesson rather than my tall boots. I think this was the third or fourth time riding in the paddocks, they did feel like they were starting to rub by the end of the lesson, but they rode well. We started out with me bareback on a fat little pony. I was very happy N and I both seem to be on the same page, using bareback to find my centered balance, stretch, and opening my hips. Lakota was a very sweet and tolerant pony. The very first thing N had me do was mount properly. She wants my hip bones just about even with the top of the back. I am to jump up on to the poor critter then swing my leg high and clear over the poor critter and come to a pleasant seat with legs on either side. I spent ages trying to figure out the logistics until N made me hang over the pony with my hips in the center of Lakota and my legs and arms stretched out on either side of her. I did feel like I was slipping a bit, I blamed my breeches. I don't know if I was or if the pants were, indeed slipping, but I realize I need to relax a lot more. I mounted the pony semi successfully, It was not pretty but I did not hit her with my leg. When reviewing the video I took with the GoPro my 'jumping' to get on the pony are pathetic. I was worried about squishing Lakota by throwing my weight around. N thinks I am worried about tumbling off the other side of her, after hanging on her I am not sure it wasn't both. I never did get on her from the bottom step of the mounting block. I spent almost as much time analyzing and asking about the dismount, but when I went ahead and did it N was very happy.

After that we worked on my leg and seat position. She wants my feet flat when riding bareback, which feels comfy and natural but odd after having ingrained in myself to always keep my heels down. N was happier with the placement of my lower leg and I was able to open up my hips some and follow the horse's movement. We walked and did a little trotting (a sad slow barely a trot type of trot) . I was able to keep my contact with the bit properly, although it still seems loose to what I am used to, but she does not want me to ride off the mouth and I do not want to hang on or hit anyone in the mouth either. It is a bit confusing as to the aids she uses; bumbling with each step is lateral and squeezing is speed. It sounds easy but is different than how I am used to it. When I got my hips and hands proper I had a hard time with my lower leg. When I used my lower leg I did ok some of the time but then I felt like my knees were flying in the wind. I did not ask about the knees as I thought once I get my hips in order then I can move on to the next body part.

Once Lakota and I were done I got to hop on Duke. He really is a good boy. He had already been ridden and was standing in the corner, not tied but just dozing. We got along much better than the first time.


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