Thursday, April 23, 2015

First real ride in the Kieffer

We headed out about 12:30, a little later then I had hoped but I got preoccupied sewing my saddle cover.


Almost done! Just need to attach/ finish the elastic!

I am super happy with how it came out! It is a little lumpy and bumpy but totally awesome! Love how much of the saddle it covers and protects.

We got to the ranch and Andrew spotted Mr right off. I decided to man up and go get him myself ( Andrew was wearing slippahs) and I have been slacking on my basic horse care since Andrew has been doing it all. I walked through a couple hundred yards of head high weeds to get my horse. I was almost in tears as I could not see my horse, therefore my direction, and I appear to be allergic to ALL THE THINGS. I caught my beast and almost hopped on him from a fallen tree but the tree was surrounded by evil weeds and I had so many stickers in my legs and butt and I did not feel like getting on without a helmet.

We made it to the hitching post and I decided I would survive ( not have a temper tantrum) only to realize I forgot my bridle. I found his regular bridle and an extra set of reins as we have been going in a Tom Thumb. We groomed up and carried on to the arena.

Before we got there I knew I had my job cut out for me. Andrew was carrying the saddle and went to place it on Duke. Duke threw a wild eye and proceeded to side pass like nobodies business you would swear he had never seen a saddle before. I stopped him and Andrew put the saddle on his back and he proceeded to rest a hoof and fall asleep.

Once in the arena I began to lunge him. And lunge we did. Most upward transitions resulted in bucking, flinging his body around and general shenanigans. At one point I had to let go of the line, with him bitted up, as I did not want to drag behind him and scare him. He stopped well but he was quite full of himself. I got him through all transions in both directions then bit him up loosely. He was still a bit full of himself but I tried to send him to work.

When it seemed like his brain had regain functioning, we saddled him up. I was nervous at first and I did hop off and walk a lap around with Duke to calm myself. I got back on (sans whip and spurs; the whip I forgot and the spurs I passed on ). He rode well but I never got his full attention. He did work well, but he did not give me the extra try he usually does.

We trot three times around posting in each direction, we worked on leg yielding as well. He is doing very well and anticipating it, as well as transitions. His haunches still trail behind us a lot but I hope with consistency and strength they will come along. I think he is getting stronger and coming along very well.

As far as the saddle goes I think it is amazing! It is a lot wider twist then I am used to but I was thrilled with our sitting trot. I was worried about the posting trot but it was fine! I feel like I am sitting in a true straight line from head to heel. It is really different compared to what I am used to feeling. We did not canter, I was a touch unnerved with his explosiveness on the lunge and the new saddle.

We finished up with trotting through the cavilettis raised at halfway with the fourth at full height. We went through a few times then called it quits when we went without hitting.

Really proud of myself for riding through my insecurities and Duke for trying.


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